تكثر هذه الحالة في الاونة الاخيرة لتوفير الخبرة اللازمة للاستفادة من الدراسة الجامعية والعمل وتوفير المال لاجور الدراسة الخاصة في حال ضعف معدل الرحلة الاعدادية.
I think it is because the low motivation. the students do not afraid of threatening but may be they care about new ways of teaching. They prefer presenting the material in away that depends on them rather than on the teacher.
There must be a kind of motivation for the students to improve their performance. This motivation can be either morally or physically taking different forms by giving additional Mark's or praising them in front of their colleagues. This may encourage them not to postpone their required written or spoken tasks.
Procrastination has fathers (or mothers) other than laziness (which, as experience shows, is one of the lesser drivers): people delay or postpone things because of perfectionism, bias against a particular type of task, insufficient information about how to get started, fear of failure (or the unknown), lack of motivation, deficient time estimates, susceptibility to distraction, low energy levels, or depression (or anxiety). There is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Some unavoidable conditions like frequent bandhs, blockades and general strikes that I have seen in my state (Manipur, India) affects the academic calendar of college and university students.
There are several reasons, such as lack of desire for the specialization taught by the pressure and the difficulty of life if they are within the family or outside and the most valid reason is procrastination and evasion of duties
Hi Afraa, I regard that issue through useful side, when students delay their uni a couple of years they'll get more experienced and maturity to appreciate the knowledge and Bachelor certificate.
في العراق ، لدينا مئات الالوف من الخريجين من الجامعات يقابلها قلة في عدد التوظيف الحكومي ، ،كذلك الطالب يجد هذا الامر يقلل من دافعية الطالب بالاسراع في اكمال متطلبات الدراسة
تكثر هذه الحالة في الاونة الاخيرة لتوفير الخبرة اللازمة للاستفادة من الدراسة الجامعية والعمل وتوفير المال لاجور الدراسة الخاصة في حال ضعف معدل الرحلة الاعدادية.