Hello, we have been performing in our lab a validated ELISA test and we are getting a lot of variation in results. We have a std curve with each test and we also include a control sample and we use the result of this control as a system suitability criteria to evaluate if our test is valid. The thing is that we are getting a lot of variation for the control result and we often have to reject runs because the control result is too low or too high. The tests are executed in the same conditions and with the same reagents. Maybe the room temperature can vary a little from day to day, but with a standard curve on each plate, the effect of temperature is the same on std and samples so it's not supposed to cause variation in results right? The only thing I noticed is that we seem to get lower result for the control when we full the whole plate (96 wells). So my question is: Could the time it takes to fill the 96 wells of the plate with std and sample have an effect on the final results? We begin by filling wells with 7 std concentrations in triplicate (so 24 wells including the blank) and then we fill the wells with our samples (we have to use 3 different concentrations of sample in triplicate, so 9 wells per sample). So, the time it takes to fill the wells before starting incubation is about 5 minutes longer if we have 8 samples compared to if we have 2 samples. Could it be the cause of variaton in results for the control?

Thanks for your help!

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