Why do credit bureaus intentionally spread false information to banks and financial institutions if you are a senior citizen, a disabled person, an immigrant, or predominantly a Muslim?

In my case, the credit bureaus intentionally destroyed my financial reputation and business for many years...

How is it in your case?

This press release will be expanded to include several press releases with crime listings and crime police reports.

Credit Bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, Equifax, and others

Banks and Financial Institutions: Wells Fargo, Discover, Citibank, Chase, CapitalOne, American Express, Bank of America, Credit One, etc.

Other organizations, such as Insurance Companies, Business Entities, Media, Government Organizations, and others

credit repair services, many.


First Press Release

November 25, 2023

Documentary Books series: Collective Injustice

Third Book

Credit Bureaus and Financial Institutions are nothing but Vindictive Bureaus

"Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right." (Psalm 106:3) have suffered a lot from the mistreatment of companies, banks, credit bureaus, and Wells Fargo, which I think colluded with the bank I deal with and deliberately destroyed my financial reputation and all my business, which negatively affected all my activities and deprived me of my economic rights by publishing false information about me to all financial institutions and all parties that need financial report on me. In the last six years, I have compiled a complete record of all credit companies and their offices, so I wasted a lot of time contacting them on the phone and writing correspondence. However, they didn't help me with anything. Moreover, I didn't get any support from them to compensate me for what I suffered, like severe losses and damages, and they unjustly robbed me of money. Please consider these allegations of mine because they are tough. You can check the evidence attached to the book, which includes the latest information about my bank and credit cards and contains many errors and contradictions. I am tired of being rejected and unwarrantedly mistreated by all banks.

I submitted a complete file to the California Attorney General’s Office, California government institutions, the federal government, human rights and civil bodies, and an appropriate number of local media and newspapers. I will share this file with you; the results are severe. And I will present a summary of it in the second press release.

This book contains the ugly practice of submitting false and bogus reports about creditors to banks and financial institutions. If you are a senior citizen with special needs or an immigrant, predominantly a Muslim, then you are in big trouble regarding your financial needs. Credit bureaus, financial institutions, and banks are like monkeys on their shoulders.

I will submit crime reports to the police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the California courts, and the federal supreme courts against all the financial credit bureaus and banks I deal with. In short, they are all thieves, racists, and swindlers, and I am speaking from my own experience in the last six years and with evidence and evidence.

If you are interested in knowing more about my tragedy, please get in touch with me at (http://drfayad.com), and don't hesitate to contact me at ([email protected]) to get the extended stories with much evidence within this volume. The delay in doing the website caused a lot of losses because “Amazon Publishing Pro” did not HONOR THE CONTRACT SIGNED ON APRIL 14, 2023, and participating in the Collective Injustice.

Important Alert

The purpose of writing this press release is not to offend any person, institution, group, political party, government, or country in the world. Instead, the purpose is to report and tell what befell me of wrong lest my experience would be repeated with others. It is intended to keep the stability of the community and guarantee the protection of its members, whether native or expatriate. It is a cry from me so that it may reach the ears of the world. Perhaps someone will hear it and help me to restore my lost and stolen rights. I intend to mention the names of some people who have done me wrong. I am not against any person, institution, government, or political party, but I am against any corruption or transgression by some irresponsible individuals who do not fulfill the role assigned to them appropriately. This is only for your information.

Contact information:


P.O. Box 21514

San Jose, CA 95151, USA

Phone: 650-304-1543

Landline & Fax – 408-982-3886

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