There are 2 Ga and 2 N atoms in a unit cell of wurtizite GaN as per its crystal structure. But calculations based on Avogadro's number give 6 GaN atoms per unit cell. What could cause this mismatch or are there errors in calculations ?

Molecular weight of GaN is 83.7297 g or amu. So 83.7297 g of GaN contains 6.022e23 molecules of GaN.

Density of GaN is 6.15 g/cm2 and volume is 139.86e-24 cm3. So mass of a unit cell is 8.6e-22 g.

Based on above two statements, number of molecules in one cell of GaN is 6. This implies that there 6 Ga and 6 N atoms in one cell. But as per the wurtzite crystal structure, it contains just 2 Ga and 2 N atoms.

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