I have tried to perform an in vitro phosphorylation assay by using a purified tyrosine kinase and its potential substrate.In the first try,I got a perfect result, but I can't replicate such phenomenon for the following trials.

The kinase buffer contains 10mM MgCl2,100uM ATP,10% Glycerol,Phosphotase inhibitors and 1mM DTT in 1XPBS.

The purified tyrosine kinase and the tested substrate are dissolved in a buffer contain 50mM NaH2PO4,300mM NaCl,and 50mM imidazole,pH8.0.

The reaction system comprises 10ul Kinase(proximately 100ng)+15ul Substrate(proximately 5ug)+55ul Kinase buffer.

Are there some key points that influence the consistency between each trial?

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