Mamta Bansal Rajshree It's not dying that people are afraid of, it is the unknown that people really fear. Possibly the need would be to give us a sense of time, without death and growing old the illusion of time will vanish! Time will not have a purpose and neither will existence since we are in spacetime.
With our birth , destiny has decided the time & period of our final journey .During our life we have attachment of our family , surrounded by social standing & what we have accumulated a possession which due to our attachment made not prefer to part with as our final journey it may remain as a '' Fame is food that Dead Men Eat ''
Not only people but all the living being present over here afraid of the dying. The main cause behind the fear is one of the exciting powers of the almighty GOD that is illusion.
Illusion trapped the human energy (Ego) and force the human energy to faith only on the physical body, not a soul or supreme soul. The soul as a human finds the satisfaction and pleasure in this temporary and dreamy world and always fears of losing the pleasure because a human being sure that one day he/she will die.