The recent Letter published by Prof. Silvio Garattini would put the word "end" to that bulk of pseudo-evidence of homeopathy in clinics. Aside from appealing topics coming from physics, chemical-physics or quantum mechanics (see video links), any of you could retrieve this truth by simply accessing to Cochrane Database and to authorative medical journals, which published strong clinical evidence for homeopathy exclusively in somatoform illness (fibromyalgia, IBS) or spontaneously resolving immune ailments, accounting for a placebo effect, causality and very low diluted remedies (so, herbal therapy-see interview by Dawkins to Fisher). In Verona a recent Congress on high dilutions and homepathy (XXIX GIRI Meeting) lacked public announcement and was held closed-doors....why? Dawkins shows that homeopathy should be described as a drop in a sea...Whether or not tap water, even diluted thousands times and mechanically stressed might heal cancer and any Pandora's evil (!!!!), to date is undoubtfully ineffective, as empiricism appear to be  the only method. I suggest physicians to care those homeopaths resorting to hospitals with still water or sugar pills....I believe that we could solve many Government financial troubles...( a boutade)

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