Two technical committees of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are about to initiate a joint working group to elaborate an “Indoor Air Quality Management System” based on a threefold approach: (i) initial diagnosis of the indoor environment to identify all relevant aspects that may affect indoor air quality, (ii) minimum requirements for indoor air quality inspections, and (iii) requirements for the implementation of an "Indoor Air Quality Management System”.

The implementation of a management system for controlling different aspects of companies or organization activities is becoming more and more common. ISO 9001 showed the way many years ago and today the management of many critical aspects can benefit from a well-developed systematic approach of continuous enhancement. The "Indoor Air Quality Management System" will be designed in order to be easily integrated with other management systems like environmental management based on ISO 14001 or energy management based on ISO 50001. In any case it is not advisable to start the implementation of an "Indoor Air Quality Management System" if the organization has not previously implemented any other management system. Typically organizations start with general quality control of their productive processes and follow with other aspects. The logical evolution of a building management system for the control of energy consumption and outdoor environmental impacts is to control indoor environmental aspects as well. Energy saving and environmental impact must be balanced with the need of a proper Indoor Air Quality delivery.

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