I gathered my pratical experience among others along the Dead Sea Transform Fault which is one the most recent deep-seated lineamentary fault zones in the world. In this case you simply use "Google Maps" or "Google Earth". The quality of the coverage of the globe may be different but by and large the datasets are of good quality for a first-hand information. But you can also use opto-electronic scanners or radar pictures. From the satellite down to the drone-mounted devices every device fits. It is always a matter of financial means and availability. I always move from the simple to the complex system. If I achieve my goal with thefirst-mentioned technique it is fine. On the other hand you need to know also what enviornment is going to be scanned, or in other words, in which morpho-climatic zone on the globe it is situated. It makes a difference between the rainforest and a rubble-strewn periglacial landcape which is pierced by the bedrock at many sites.