Right now, I am working with a Tobii X120 desktop eye tracker, but I was wondering whether you have used any of the newer Tobii devices (e.g. the Tobii X2-60), the device by MyGaze, the MiraMetrix S2, the SR Research EyeLink 1000 Plus Remote Camera Upgrade, the SMI Vision RED / RED250 / RED500 or similar devices.

The ideal eye tracker would allow participants to move freely in front of the screen, leave and return between measurements (and pick up the measurements without the need for recalibration). Of course a stable and reliable interface are a must, and it would be good if the software was easily programmable to play videos, images and sounds automatically. Passing through a live feed of a web cam would be a plus.

So my question would be - what devices have you worked with, what were their limitations, what did you like about them?

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