I would like to graphically represent the R-squared values of the linear regression models I have created, however, I have a mixture of both linear (LM) and generalized least square (GLS) models. The output of the former produces an adjusted R-squared value, whereas, the latter does not. Therefore, for the GLS models, I have calculated pseudo R-squared values using the nagelkerke function in R. This function produces 3 pseudo R-squared values, namely:

1. McFadden,

2. Cox and Snell (ML), and

3. Nagelkerke (Cragg and Uhler).

Each value is quite different from the others, and I am not sure as to which value is the correct one to use, specifically in the context of a GLS model. Furthermore, once I have selected an adequate pseudo R-squared value, will it be comparable to the adjusted R-squared values produced by the LM model output?

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