The femoral components of the THA and TKA would be most resistant to wear for the following reason. In the THA, ceramic and cobalt chrome femoral heads are known to have much harder surfaces then polyethylene and so are more resistant to wear.
Now, the new XLPE are much more wear resistant than the traditional UHMWPE. This may have an impact on the answer but I think it is reasonable to assume the femoral aspect of both the THA and TKA components are most resistant to wear.
Check out this paper on PubMed looking at XLPE: PMID: 29040124
If I understand your question correctly, you want to know which part of the implant is more susceptible to wear. If that’s the case, as Gerard mentioned tibial insert has lower wear resistance compared to the femoral part in knee implants.
Gerard A. Sheridan
Regarding increasing the cross-linking and its influence on the wear resistance of the PE, apparently it depends on the brand and manufacturing process of the XLPE. For example, according to the below study, increasing the cross-linking appears to have a low effect on the longevity of knee implants.
Regarding the parts of THR and TKR more susceptible for wear resistance, it depending on two major factor, first prosthesis type (Manufacture of PE) and second technical angles of application in relation to Range of motion. In total knee posterior femoral condyle related to flexion more than 100 flexion and type of insert you used (mobile or fixed),. In total hip position of cup related to size of femoral head used.