I found that knowledge sharing is an optimum method in order to problem solving. Thanks all of the friends and researchers those who are contributing to the problem solving discussion.
Changes in land use affect climate insofar as they affect the balance of carbon between soil and atmosphere, the radiation balance and the water balance. But climate change affects changes in land use as it affects the abandonment of crops or changes in the type of crops, declining water recuros or increased climate extremes (torrential rains, droughts, floods) . We can say that there are two processes feed back.
Thanks for your professional comment, actually declining water resources is the issue which has confused me. Water resources declining comes back to the land use changes such as agriculture expansion or no it comes back to the climate change? in my opinion, most likely declining water resource mostly comes back to the LULC changes, because, LULC directly affected water yield in the basins. So, in the results of the LULC, water yield and environmental flow requirements experienced extremely decrease resulting from increased surface and ground water withdraw.
Dear colleagues,very interesting discussion on an important topic.We know from historical accounts that land use change from forest and grass land to arable crop cultivation resulted in loss of soil organic matter from soil to atmosphere,decrease in rainfall in that are and depletion of ground water and surface water resources.So land use change affected climate change.To restore back the degraded ecosystems again we have to go back to land use change from agriculture to forestry or grass land system.Even in agriculture, we have to go for soil and water conserving practices. Carbon restoring and conserving cropping systems, cultural practices etc.need to be followed.So the land use change has great role in mitigation of climate change.
This seems like the "chicken and egg, which comes first" question. While there are a lot of opinions regarding land use change affects climate change, I would like to give my opinion on climate change affects land use change.
Small island, for example, is extremely vulnerable to climate change because of its typically fragile infrastructure, small watersheds and limited institutional capacity. Among the climate change impacts to small island are such as sea level rises, severe weather events, inland flooding, agricultural water shortages and crop damage etc.
It is, therefore, imperative to implement adaptation strategies through land use change in order to build resilience. The appropriate adaptations involve adapting the locations of new land uses (such as conversion of natural habitat to development), and adapting the impacts on existing uses, which cannot easily change locations. Locational adaptations for new land uses involve finding alternative locations for particular land uses that will not be prone to the impacts of climate change. For example, locating new development out of flood prone areas, or locating new agricultural uses out of drought-prone soils. Adaptations for existing land uses are more complex, with a multitude of adaptations, appropriate to the specific use. For example, floodproofing existing structures, or finding new irrigation sources for crops on droughty soils.