15 October 2016 10 4K Report

Asking about the scientifically valid method for the long term preservation of Marine Specimens in the museum?

Dear Scientists/Researchers

I want to do some field and collect some marine fishes (small and medium sizes) and want to preserve them as museum specimens.

At this moment some guys suggest me to collect fishes then fixed in 10% formaldehyde, bring to laboratory, identify and preservation with 70% etahyl alcohol solution (https://www.nps.gov/museum/publications/conserveogram/11-03.pdf) and some cases with 37% formaldehyde solution (https://research.amnh.org/vz/ichthyology/congo/other05.html). But I am afraid and don't know is these ways are scientifically valid or not for the long term preservation as museum specimens.

So, which method/methods are best and scientifically valid for the long term preservation of marine fishers as specimens in the museum? Please seeking suggestions/ related peer-reviewed published articles.

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