I intend to prepare a Project related to methane mitigation in rumen. I think to use hazelnut oil and nitrate with this aim. Can you share your ideas with me about my Project? If you accept I will send somedetails of my Project.
Dietary Possibilities to Mitigate Rumen Methane and Ammonia Production
Efficiency of ruminal metabolism is a significant factor affecting production and release of pollutants, i.e. methane and ammonia. Efficient and balanced ruminal fermentation reduces the emission of gases, particularly methane, to the atmosphere. Losses of energy from the feed ration, connected with the production of methane, are particularly significant in ruminants, since approx. 2/3 production costs are generated by feeds (including forages), fed to animals. Actions aiming at a limitation of methanogenesis in ruminants, at the simultaneous monitoring of quantitative and qualitative changes in methanogens, are justified from the scientific and economic point of view. Proposals of legislative changes include the intention expressed by the European Commission to introduce the so-called cow tax, a tax on kept ruminants. PDF enclosed for further reading