Classroom management is considered a science and an art at the same time Which is more important, and why, classroom management or lesson delivery and knowledge content?
They are different aspects. I don´t believe one is more important than the other: both are part of the teaching knowledge. Those define the expertise in teaching X subject and make it different from the expertise on X subject.
I believe also that classroom management could have some aspects in common among many subjects, but lesson delivery in knowledge content is specific to each area.
First, I support that classroom management, lesson delivery and knowledge content are both very important topics for student development and the enhancement of their educational path.
However, from my experience as a teacher, it appears to me that classroom management is largely linked to educational administration, the general order of the institution and the laws that are applied, and then comes the role of the teacher, his personality, the experience he has, the self-formation, flexibility and controlled reaction.
Regarding the delivery of lessons and knowledge content, it is about reliable and concise knowledge and skill in providing modern content and teaching methods.
The first element is the art of managing people, the second element is the skill of convincing people.
I understand what pr. Mohamed Fergal says, but I think that classroom management does not refer to administrative issues: it refers to the way that teachers manage his or her interactions and relationship with students.
There is an article which explain the concept:
Sulaiman, S. (2015). Classroom Management and the Implications to Quality of Learning. Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 3(3), 431-440.
Exactly, I wanted to emphasize that classroom management is at the heart of the teacher's work, as an actor that creates the quality of learning, mastering this management contributes to the success of classroom communication, positive relational that will enhance classroom professional practice, and this is reflected in the achievement and development of students.
In the same regard, administrative issues would provide material and moral support to the teacher to assist him in the requirements of educational success,
Develop plans and strategies to strengthen students' skills, teaching conditions and possibilities for support, accompaniment and guidance.
Moreover, the infrastructure requirement should not hinder the achievement of the goals, and it is more useful not to focus solely on the supervisory role of the educational administration on the implementation of the curriculum.
Provide an interactive school climate dominated by respect, duty and love, work to graduate competent and persistent students, mobilize wise and quality management, and empowered and innovative teachers: different ways for one goal.
In general both are important with good combination as per the requirements.
It depends on level of students. For example, Classroom management is more important for primary level, where as Knowledge contents for higher education, for postgraduate or research level.
Dear pr. Anil Hiwarekar : your point reminds me that classroom management and content delivery are present in all educational levels and contexts. May be, advancien in the educational systems, the emphasis in classroom mangement changes: at initial levels, it is much more on control of some behaviors, and, advancing in levels and engagement in students, the emphasis changes to direct the dynamics and regulate some interactions and participations from students
As an academic, I believe that we all need to find the balance between the classroom management and lesson delivery and knowledge content. Nevertheless, in the past classroom management was not a priority but now it is a necessity which supports lesson delivery and knowledge content.
As it is a very relevant discussion, 'd like to bring a metaphor: In my business I know I have the best product (content) but my delivery system fails in terms of timing, packaging, courtesy and feedback to 'clients' (students). People are always complaining and I'm not 'selling' to make ends meet.
What mean is that the content is basically the same but success, I mean learning, can only take place if the teacher knows how to contextualize, personalize, provide feedback of and for learning, making it meaningful to that specific group of students.
Needless to say that the leveling of the content to be provided is relevant, but only content may require mere memorization not learning.
References: Article The Power of Feedback Revisited: A Meta-Analysis of Educatio...
La gestión del aula es tan importante, que la debe realizar un especialista en docencia que domine un área específica de conocimiento. Socrates en los Diálogos de Platón, dijo que el hombre es capaz de conocer o aprender varias cosas, pero es necesario especializarse en algo que sea de su dominio. por lo que la didáctica es una ciencia que se debe dominar y no cualquiera lo domina.
La impartición de clases, toma importancia cuando son guiadas por un experto, Vygotsky le llamó Zona de desarrollo próximo (ZDP) porque en ella se considera la experiencia de quien aprende y lo que el docente enseña y fortalece en el aprendizaje; con el qué enseñar, cómo enseñar, con qué enseñar y dónde enseñar. He ahí la importancia de lo que se aprende con las clases impartidas con ayuda del docente.
Haciendo uso de la misma teoría de Vygotsky, con el qué enseñar, lo considerará el docente a partir de que evalúa lo que ya sabe el estudiante, para a partir de ahí implementar otros conocimientos, los cuales forman parte de su construcción de éstos. Coincidiendo con el constructivismo de Vygotsky, Ausubel, quien también da importancia a la interacción entre los conocimientos nuevos y los ya existentes. Así que las tres formas son importantes por separado, pero si intercalamos y empleamos las tres, se le da más calidad a la enseñanza.
teaching is an art as well as science not only classroom management. lesson delivery and knowledge content are more important than classroom management as it is the primary key to learning if teachers deliver with proper tools and techniques all students will attract to it so one should be good in content knowledge as well as how to present and provide in the classroom. so the teacher should always learn new techniques and different ways of teaching, to be good in their subject.
Classroom management systems are effective because they increase student success by creating an orderly learning environment that enhances students' academic skills and competencies, as well as their social and emotional development.