16 August 2018 8 7K Report

There are two treatment groups, as an independent variable, one group received drug A and another group received control article. The white blood cell numbers were observed at different time-points, such as 1 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years. So there are 2 curves, one is drug A, another is control, x-axis is time, y-axis is WBC. We want to see is there a difference between these 2 curves and the interaction between time and treatment.

Which statistic method I should use? My stat software is JMP.

Q1: The 2-way Anova has an assumption that the two independent factors must be categorical, but the time is numerical data, should I transfer the numerical data into categorical? Such as input day 1, day 10, day 30 instead of 1, 10, 30?

Q2: Another assumption of 2-way Anova is that each group should have the same size. But my data is a pool-up retrospective analysis where different time-point have different number of subjects. Will it still be suitable for 2-way Anova?

Q3: Will repeated measure Anova be better? My concern is that not all subjects repeated the WBC test in each time-point, such as some subjects only have the 1 month test, others only have the 1 year test.

Q4: Will Manova is an alternative choice? But there is only one dependent variable--WBC level, seems not qualify for Manova.

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