I would prefer `The Tecnis monofocal IOL which gives better clarity during fundiscopy and increased contrast. Tecnis is an aspheric IOL as acrysof, however when I used it I found it superiorly better.
In these eyes I routinely implant the bag-in-the-lens which has the advantage to erradicate PCO and allows open view on the posterior segment of the eye. We are participating at the ESCRS premed study on postoperative CME, which is clinically absent in our series and subclinically present in the same order than the classical IOL implantation. This is to be expected since the latter is related tosurgical stress problem.
I think there is no question whether you put Alcon or amo lens,it is
important make a bigger capsulorrhexis & 6 mm optic Iol which will help you to follow up to detect or progression of DR & prevent dev of PCO . It will also help you to do scattered laser photocoagulation, & vitrectomy if required,