In German teacher training programs, it is typical that students go out to do internships at schools. Internships comprise a time period of anything from three to six weeks. In many cases, students do not receive specific instructions to prepare for the school experience nor are they supported to reflect on their experience after the fact. They are expected to observe and explore the field, to get to know the full job description of a teacher etc. They have to turn in a report which is not graded but which needs to be sufficient to "pass." Now, we find ourselves in the middle of a discussion which looks at open questions on the one hand (e.g., "What kind of rituals and rules did teacher use in the classes and what do you think is their purpose?") and more structured observational tasks, on the other hand, which come out of a lecture class on developing learners (e.g., "What learning strategies can you identify across different grades?" - Select from or add to a list ... and describe how teachers model and use these in their instruction.).

What is your experience and what would be your prediction: Which scenario is more likely to support competence development? Open vs. Structured?

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