
I plan to check the protective effect of the adoptive transfer of some memory CD8 T-cells against the LCMV infection. So I think to establish LCMV meningitis model and to see whether the mice which have got CD8 T-cells from the LCMV-immune mice will be protected against LCMV meningitis.

In the Current Protocols in Immunology, 2001, M von Herrath and J L Whitton stated that I need to use 1 ml 27G syringes and anesthesia for intracerebral injections (like sedate mice and make a careful injection 5 mm dorsal from the eyes).

Do I need any additional equipment, like stereotaxis, Hamilton syringe or anything else or small insulin syringe is enough?

Do I need to perform LD50 titration or I can just use some sufficient viral titer, let`s say 50-100 pfu/mouse?

I`d be thankful for any tips or advices.

Many thanks!

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