Addition of one-half volume of phosphate saline containing Tween 80 to 1 volume of simple water in oil/oil in water emulsion. The mixture was then re-emulsified to produce a double emulsion.
1)The Montanide serie consists of certain number of good adjuvants.the best practice is to make an experiment with small batches of the vaccine and compare immunogenicity,side reactions,mixture complications and costs,and decide!!!
2) I have experience developing my own nanoparticulate formulation without montanide,using soy fosfolipids,but i would need to know more details about your antigens.
Dear Gustavo, I just weonderin about Soy phospholipid, it is similar to those we use for liposome fabrication?gand they need to use cholestrole or not?
Depending upon the antigen,and general formulation you are going to mixture,cholesterol is needed or not. Very frecuently,if your mixture contains lipids able to form with soy fosfolipids stable liposomes,after that you may not need the chlesterol addition!