13 December 2017 7 337 Report


I want to study the evolution of the NDVI measure on agricultural soil over one summer in the northern hemisphere. Ideally, I would need a geo-referenced RGB&IR image of the same region every week during the whole summer. If this is not possible with IR information, I could manage to work with just RGB images and study the Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI) which approximates the NDVI without requiring IR information. The next best thing would be less frequent images (i.e. one every 2-3 weeks).

As I have experience in image processing but not specifically in remote sensing or UAV/satellite survey, I don't know where to look for such data or even if it exists somewhere. Can anybody point me in the right direction? Papers on this subject would also be appreciated.


Bruno Martin

P.S.: Some links related to what I want to do.



Article Calibration Methodology for Mapping Within-field Crop Variab...

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