Tunable lasers are avalable from Toptica in the range of 400 to 3500 nm. Spectra Physics also make them although in a shorter range from red to near-IR (600-1000 nm). In general diode lasers have the tunable capacity
There are a few pulsed OPO systems that have a very broad tuning range like https://ekspla.com/product/picosecond-khz-repetition-rate-broadly-tunable-parametric-amplifier-pgx03/ (specs 210 nm to 16000 nm ). If you are looking for cw lasers you will need several (actually quite many...) sources.
There are several femtosecond solutions provided by Light Conversion, such as optical parametric amplifiers for Yb-based lasers covering your desired or even broader spectral range, 190 – 16000 nm.