Hi all, where should I order 57 or 58bp oligo DNA for tet on plko shRNA construct?  I try to order 57bp oligo for tet on pLKO shRNA from IDT and I get this information "Warning: Due to the length of this sequence, this oligo will be processed with a Complexity Service. A reduced yield and purity guarantee will apply.

Warning: Due to the length and complexity of this oligo, a Level II set-up fee and reduced yield and purity guarantees will apply. This oligo will also require additional review from IDT Customer Care. If the result of this review causes any change in pricing from what is displayed in your cart, a representative will notify you prior to processing.".

Does anyone get similar response from IDT? This seems that the 57bp oligo for shRNA contains specific structure and needs to be synthesized specially??? Do I need to 

And the price for this 57 bp oligo from IDT is $139.82 and very high. can anyone give some suggestions? Thanks.

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