Hi Ahmad, it is the case when the time series has a "long memory", that is (in simple terms) the ACF is decaying slower then normal. As the fractional part is done due to a binomial series, the ARFIMA is to be used for long time series when no additional information which can model the long term dependence (covariates) are available.
Hi Ahmad, it is the case when the time series has a "long memory", that is (in simple terms) the ACF is decaying slower then normal. As the fractional part is done due to a binomial series, the ARFIMA is to be used for long time series when no additional information which can model the long term dependence (covariates) are available.
you can detect long memory by the study of residuals of an ARMA model, if the Ljung-Box test gives correlated residuals for a large lag, then it is necessary to model the fractional parameter. See the following paper for computational issues: