If PubMed includes Medline articles plus other things, Why do most meta-analyses -I've seen- use Medline for the search rather than the freely available PubMed?
PubMed is a database service - a way to interface with the raw data - provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The database that PubMed provides access to is called MEDLINE, also created by the NLM.*
In addition to PubMed, you can also access MEDLINE through an EBSCO interface and an ISIinterface. All of them access the same database (MEDLINE), but each has different capabilites, and will provide a different user experience.
In other words, "PubMed is one way to access MEDLINE."
what is the difference between PubMed and Medline?
by Bob Phillips
For quite a while now I’ve been convinced that for practical, non-academic research purposes PubMed is the best primary database to use. (I’m also convinced you shouldn’t be using it unless 1. You’ve checked a summary site likewww.tripdatabase.com first or 2. Your speciality is so specialised that you’ve never found anything useful doing this in the past.) I’ve always believed that the difference between PubMed and Medline was of interface – just a different way of accessing the same stuff – but now the scales have fallen from my eyes.
PubMed contains Medline – but also the PubMedCentral papers (full text articles deposited to promote open access) and articles before they get full MeSH tagging by the NLM team that organised the databases. In this way, PubMed is both wider, easier, fuller-text’d and quicker to access