Hello everybody,

I have some gene expression experiments (real time PCR arrays) with many groups with biological replicates, but with a very small sample size (3,6,4,3,3,3; and non paired). I have no trouble calculating fold changes, but since fold change is just a change on magnitude and does not entail statistical significance per se, a statistical test is necessary for most publication purposes.

Due the aforementioned small sample size, it's almost impossible to assume a distribution and hence a parametric test like a paired T-student test does not sound too feasible to me. I've been thinking in something non-parametric, such as a Mann-Whitney Test, but I think that achieving a good enough p-value would be almost impossible. I've also thought about trying to relate confidence intervals with fold-change or something like that.

Any ideas? How have you dealt with this situation?

Thanks in advance.


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