As far as I know, Vernonia cinerea (= Cyanthillium cinereum) does not have pinnatisect leaves as here. Probably better try somewhere near Blumea/Laggera/Pseudoconyza or in Senecioneae (e.g. Crassocephalum/Emilia).
Try checking if a doubled whorled pappus is present. In this case, it definitely would be a Vernonieae. For genera use the Harold Robinson treatments about Vernonieae in Africa.
Than you for your hints and forgive the delay in responding to your posts. The pappus is in single whorl. The Robinson's key to Vernonieae (doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.60.6734) failed. Pseuudoconyza viscosa agrees with the Othman Saad Saeed Al-Hawshabi's photo and with images at the Flora of Zimbabwe (see below link) in terms of bracts, upper leaves, involucresand the general habit.
Sunit Mitra, thank you for your hint. In ThePlantList,org Pseudoconyza viscosa (Mill.) D'Arcy = Blumea viscosa (Mill.) V.M.Badillo. I will check other Blumea, and Yongia, too.