You and a colleague have been conducting a large survey on the incidences of HIV/AIDS in Morocco, with the survey sponsored by the government. After the results are all tabulated and the paper written, you notice that some survey data that you yourself had collected is missing. You decide to investigate the entire survey data and discover that a large number of the surveys have not been included and in some case only some of the data was used. You speak with your colleague and she tells you that she made a conscious choice not to use that data. The problem, she says, is that in the surveys she eliminated were findings that would be very unpopular with the Moroccan government and which go against official government statements being made to the public. While these findings could be very useful in addressing the problem of HIV/AIDS, publishing of these results could lead to loss of future grants. And although you are not employed in Morocco, she is a professor in Morocco and also could lose her job. What course of action would you take? Elaborate your views on this condition please

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