No death would mean... no evolution. It is unclear if there would be humans or indeed any animals. No death and no evolution would mean a world in a pre-state of cellular potential. And were there immortal humans from the start ... probably no sex and no procreation. Where those few imortals would come from and how they would be, without the mechanisms for futurism, well, it's pretty much inconceivable.
It is a philosophical question, and the answer also is intelligent. Plato's book on Timaios characterizes entities that always have birth as nonexistent. It is obvious that material entities are pretty different from moment to moment, and their existence takes place within a momentum of zero time difference. Therefore, death for material entities occurs at any moment; it is a physical process that nobody can stop. However, considering death as a recycling process, it can be delayled but not stopped. The consequences of delaying depend on the management we perform. If the people do the management, they can put some limits to maintain sustainability. If the wealthy oligarchs perform the management, their limits would be to preserve their political and economic power by enslaving humanity as they do now.
@everyone, looking at the nature of this question, I'll go with Rev Robert Thomas Malthus theory that there should be a preventive check so as to utilise the available resources in every state or country or to be precise specific geographical areas. Besides this, it will cause demographic bonus to arise which at the long run or short run will increase the burden of governmental policies and projects. Growth and development will be retarded if there were no death or mortality rate in a country.
Estamos en procesos de OCUPACIÓN DE OTROS PLANETAS; otras REALIDADES EVOLUTIVAS: generarán desconocidas materias, energías,efectos,consecuencias y tendencias.
A world without death would be a profoundly different and challenging one to navigate. While it might seem appealing, it raises numerous complex issues and would require significant adaptations and innovations to address the many problems in such a scenario.