We came across a situation during our study. A few weeks ago I found a Company proposing a new method of concrete mixing (High strength concrete, details attached).
Now the company might have made the procedure having in mind that the silica fume pellet ought to be properly crushed. However this is an excellent method to enhance the strength of the transition zone by replacing Ca(OH)2 with C-S-H, which they might it might not have intended for. Point is that we are concentrating the silica fume on the surface of the aggregate particle. This will no doubt increase our concrete Strength to let say 10,000 psi. But what about the bond between steel and concrete that develops later. We can't expect the same kind of replacement behavior and enchantment there right.
This is where we're stuck right now. This will make the steel concrete bond the limit state which is a far more severe problem then early concrete crushing since we can have steel slipping in joints that defeats the entire purpose of proposing high strength concrete.
My question is what could be potential solutions for this problem.
Development length fc' to be limited to a value?
Abandoning the procedure by the company?
Or any others please comment. Thanks