Through medical education it is often stated about the toxicity of high (or low) potassium in blood/organism, but what would be the acute toxic dose ingested orally?
Thank you. Even though I'm more interested in the oral dose. For example, it is stated that the RDA for Potassium is 4700mg, and according to USDA Agricultural Research Service, only 8% of population reaches that target. So in terms of supplementing one's daily meals with potassium it would surely bring concerns about the daily limits and possible intoxications, but also correcting this defficiency should be a medical concern. It is never viewed (to my knowning at least) in physiology textbooks about the bodily potassium balance from this perspective. What are the mechanisms involved in absorbing potassium from the GI tract, does it only flow by diffusion and Na/K pump?
Would really appreciate some thoughts, ideas or articles about this topic.
The (U.S.) National Library of Medicine's Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) includes numerous records for potassium, e.g., potassium chloride and potassium sulfate. You can search for the information using the web link.. Examples of the content include: