8 Questions 41 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Karlo Toljan
In the current era, the precision medicine initiative is stressed as being a priority for the best medical care one can practice/get. In addition, a statistical method called bootstrapping with...
04 July 2016 4,373 4 View
There is substantial evidence that the Western diet is deficient in potassium and supplementing would be easy through adding it to cooking salt which is used daily. It would also lower the sodium...
27 May 2016 1,282 35 View
Is the long term degeneration only due to physiological aging and calcification or is there a component of host-versus-graft reaction? Some links related to topic are posted below.
03 May 2016 248 4 View
After this operative procedure is performed how come the 'new' arterial surface doesn't form thrombi (or does it)? Shouldn't the exposed non-endothelial surface be highly thromogenic? I link some...
03 May 2016 9,671 1 View
Does diabetes contribute significantly in pathogenesis of vascular dementia or are those two diseases with separate pathophysiological processes? 1/ If they're linked, what are these links? 2/...
29 April 2016 9,291 15 View
Could MEG aid in mirror neuron research better in terms of validity, reproducibility and yielding stronger evidence for the existance and localization of human mirror neurons/networks? There is a...
09 April 2016 4,072 6 View
Also in case of an epileptic seizure, is it neuroscientifically explained how benzodiazepines abort the excitation, when GABA should be excitatory (in young children)? Mechanism of action is...
21 February 2016 2,379 8 View
Through medical education it is often stated about the toxicity of high (or low) potassium in blood/organism, but what would be the acute toxic dose ingested orally?
17 January 2016 421 6 View