There is substantial evidence that the Western diet is deficient in potassium and supplementing would be easy through adding it to cooking salt which is used daily. It would also lower the sodium intake (since KCl would replace NaCl). The same has already been done with iodine as a global public health action.

Hypertension is an enormous health problem on its own, but also an important risk factor for inducing numerous other long term lethal or debilitiating pathologies, mostly cardiovascular ones. This could be a cheap and effective method to lower the incidence - one which doesn't bear any signficant risks since potassium is tightly regulated in homeostatic terms and the risk of potassium overdose is the same as causing damage with a large acute intake of cooking salt.

Has there been any iniciatives regarding this topic and has it been brought up in scientific, medical or even economic circles? I've never heard of such an idea for a public health intervention. Please comment and share your ideas, especially if you're involved directly or indirectly in medical field. Am I wrong or right to propose such a measure? 

Interesting articles which show the importance of potassium are linked below.

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