What will it take for the mainstream energy community to look at space based solar power?

The greenest of all green energy sources.

Unlimited safe clean energy 24/7 daily delivered anywhere.

The best hope for displaced aerospace workers (short of world war 3).

The only power source with all these attributes is space based solar power.

Unlimited energy -> solar energy is unlimited

Clean energy -> solar energy is clean. Zero emission. Less waste heat than any other energy source. Minimal environmental impact.

Constant - 24/7 - a solar panel in space is constantly illuminated at full power, no outages due to weather or night time or seasons. No Storage needed.

Delivered anywhere -> the receiving array can be located anywhere on Earth for a fraction of the land area from a conventional solar array. No new power grids needed.

No technical breakthroughs required

What is the catch?

The main problem is the high cost of launching hardware into orbit. With economies of scale these costs will fall rapidly.

Next step: Need to design and build a demonstrator.

Space-based solar power can be developed into a source of clean energy to augment power grids around the World, on the Moon, and anywhere else humans are likely to go.

Space-based solar power already powers our satellites and space stations in orbit around Earth. The trick is to collect enough solar energy on orbit, convert it into a form of power that can be broadcast safely to Earth, and to do so economically.

Figuring out how to do this has been the subject of a number of studies over the past few decades. All of them concluded that space-based solar power as a source of clean energy on the Earth is scientifically feasible, but not technologically or economically viable at the time of those studies, the last occurring in the 1990s. However, the studies also find that space-based solar power is becoming more viable as time progresses because related technologies are making huge strides forward in many cases.

In 2007 we arrived at a general and growing consensus among most of humanity that the global demand for energy will soon exceed our ability to produce it. Complicating matters is environmental contamination brought about by the consumption of our traditional carbon-based fuels. Many believe our consumption of these fuels has irreparably damaged the environment though global warming.

If the technical hurdles associated with space-based solar power can be overcome, it will provide a clean alternative to carbon-based fuels. We do NOT want it to become the one-and-only energy source. We think prudent energy policy should dictate that numerous clean energy sources be developed and should be coupled with appropriate conservation efforts.

There are three basic reasons why going to space is preferred to ground-based solar power:

1. The sun is many time more intense on orbit than on the surface of the Earth. This means there is more energy to be collected. **(See note below)**

2. Unlike ground-based solar power systems which spend roughly half of their time in the darkness of night, space-based systems can be perpetually bathed in sunlight. This is an instant doubling of efficiency.

3. Ground-based systems suffer from weather phenomena such as clouds, precipitation, and dust. These are not worries in space.

Space-based solar power also has three major drawbacks:

1. Despite fifty years of spacefaring experience, getting to space is still hard and expensive. It costs thousands of dollars per pound to lift anything into space from Earth.

2. We have no experience assembling and sustaining objects on orbit of the scale that space-based solar power will require. Some designs suggest systems that are literally several square kilometers in size.

3. Although the efficiencies of collecting power on orbit are many times greater than what can be done on the surface of the Earth, there are significant power losses in converting energy and broadcasting energy both in orbit, during transmission to Earth receivers, and from the receiver into terrestrial power grids. Some calculations suggest space-based solar power can deliver only ten percent of the original collected power.

To make space-based solar power viable, the benefits have to outweigh the costs at a rate that ultimately makes it profitable for a commercial venture to take over such an enterprise.

Reprinted with permission from:


**Note: sunlight in space is only slightly more intense than sunlight on orbit, that phrase in the report could be clarified **

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