You will ind data about characteristics of semichemical and chemimechanical wastewaters in:
Covinich, L.G., Bengoechea, D.I., Fenoglio, R. J., Area, M.C. (2014). Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment in the Pulp and Paper Industry: A Review. American Journal of Environmental Engineering. 4 (3) 56-60. ISSN: 2166-4633. DOI: 10.5923/j.ajee.20140403.03.
Meza, P.R., Felissia, F.E., Area, M.C., Reduction of the recalcitrant COD of high yield pulp mills effluents by AOP. Part 1. Combination of ozone and activated sludge. BioResources 6 (2), 1053-1068 (2011).; ISSN: 1930-2126.
Felissia, F.E., Area, M.C., Barboza, O.M., Bengoechea, D.I., Reducción de la DQO recalcitrante de efluentes de procesos semiquimicos mediante precipitación química. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, 13, 36-42 (2010). ISSN 0329 8922.
Area, M.C., Ojeda, S.A., Barboza, O.M., Bengoechea, D.I., Felissia, F.E., Tratamientos aplicables para la reducción de la DQO recalcitrante de efluentes de pulpados quimimecanicos y semiquimicos. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, 13, 4-12 (2010). ISSN 0329 8922.
The pH and RAA is from chemical recovery point of view?pH ,RAA and COD are in the order of higher in soda,alkaline sulphite and alkaline peroxide.Please refer literature, depends on H factor you have maintained
Sanjay sir actually i had applied soda sulphite and app pulping to the material , the black liquor i obtained got the same results as u mentioned, but COD of soda and sulphite was not showing the trend as u mentioned , sir can u elobrate what could be trend of the black liquor if reference for supporting my results please avail me,