Dear All,
I optimize a structure with M06 / 6-311+g(d,p).
After a lot of optimisation step , the predicted energy is low -1.7 D-07 and forces very low.
However the calculation do not converge as the displacement stay very strong.
Have you got any suggestion to finish the optimisation?
All default with keyword #p opt=(calcall,verytight)
Here the conclusion of a step:
Item Value Threshold Converged?
Maximum Force 0.000006 0.000002 NO
RMS Force 0.000000 0.000001 YES
Maximum Displacement 0.106470 0.000006 NO
RMS Displacement 0.016269 0.000004 NO
Predicted change in Energy=-1.767915D-07
I know the threshold is low but it is not changes the fact that displacement value is very hight!
Else with the loose keyword and B3LYP I have the same problem.
Thanks for your suggestions.