10 October 2018 1 2K Report

Biological systems generate electrical pulses that are transferred throughout the body by different means (nervous system, cellular connection, etc.). Essentially bodies function based on the generation / transmission of electrical pulses / currents. Until death, these signals never 'shut off' and would theoretically have a unique signature. It has been proven that the human brain has a unique signature that can be used to identify you.

Magnetic fields are always present when an electric field is present.  While we are able to detect these electrical signals and magnetic fields, we are limited in our ability to detect them because of the large amount of environmental "noise" present. Thus, we must shield the electronics / detectors reading these signals using Faraday cages, etc.. As well, most of the technologies require that we be very close to the signals (fields) being generated.

Very little research has been performed on the human Biofield in mainstream science. When research does take place, it is often dubbed "pseudo science" and readily dismissed.

I have read that signals/information can be passed between two objects that have become electromagnetically coupled. I am looking for information surrounding how one might use technology to magnetically / electrically couple with the human Biofield (the signals generated by the human body). In this case, the "information" would be the changing of the signals generated by the body (heart-beat, muscle movements, etc.).

There are numerous published articles on PLOS, PubMed, and Medline supporting my evaluation which I would be happy to provide if required.



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