09 February 2021 3 570 Report

I am exploring the readability of court decisions in 5 countries. I have a quantitative readability measure (continuous variable, my dependent variable) for each decision - about 50 decisions per country for a total of about 250 lines of data. I want to assess whether independent variables applicable to each country (like "percentage of the population in that country that doesn't finish secondary school" and "mean number of post-secondary degrees per judge in the country" and "mean number of law professors per judge in the country", etc) are correlated with readability levels of court decisions in those countries. These independent variables are all of the same value for each of the 50-ish decisions within a given country. Can I use Pearson? If not, is there some other way to show how the independent variables are/are not related to the dependent variable? ANOVA? (There are only 5 discreet values for each of the independent variables...one value for all decisions within a given country, times 5 countries.

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