11 February 2021 10 7K Report

Hi all,

Myself and my supervisor are looking at carrying out a statistical analysis to see whether there is a difference in patient outcomes for our 10-week pain management programme according to whether the patient did the programme pre-COVID (in person programme) or post-COVID (online programme).

We have four sets of data from questionnaires:

1. Pre-programme questionnaire scores for patients who attended in person programme

2. Post-programme questionnaire scores for patients who attended in person programme

3. Pre-programme questionnaire scores for patients who attended online programme

4. Post-programme questionnaire scores for patients who attended online programme

Essentially we want to see whether there is any statistical differences between pre- and post- intervention questionnaire results and between each type of intervention (in person/online).

At first we thought it would be a 2x2 factorial ANOVA, however we are unsure if maybe a t-test is more suitable instead?

Any help would be greatly appreciated - we think maybe we are thinking too much into it and second guessing ourselves!

Thank you in advance.

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