Sir! the "wrong journal" means that before it showed the indexes what I have to need. But now I found there is no such information. Secondly, the journal published the raw file without any editing. I think my work deserves a well-known indexed and publication format instead of just a raw file.
My experience is that journals sometimes do that (publish the raw file) and then overwrite it after you have done the proofs so that the (corrected) proof is available after that.
Still unsure what you mean by "before it showed the indexes". Does that mean the information on the website was incorrect?
you can retract your paper by sending an email to the journal. Judging from the comments, you submitted article to a fake journal. There are websites such as scopus and web of science which can help you in identifying the genuine journal.
I agree with the comment by Iben Maj Christiansen that the journal inaccurately lists its indexing. Sometimes deliberately, sometimes not. I particularly remember a time when the journal was Pubmed listed (I found it on the Pubmed site) but they forgot to say that on their webpage. Incredible!
I presume you talk about the journal “International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research” ( A journal included in the stand-alone version of the Beall’s list ( ) with numerous (other) red flags:
-Prominently mentioned impact factor is fake and has nothing to do with the real one assigned by Clarivate (see enclosed file for latest list of impact factors)
-As you indicated yourself no or poor editing of the papers, loads of spelling and grammar errors and as far as I can see no (promised) DOI assignment to their papers
-No real contact info (address is simply missing…)
- mentions meaningless (and misleading) “Now Indexing Papers Via Thomo[sic]son Reuters”. Nonsense in many ways since Thomson Reuters no longer index the impact factors etc.
-See also for a harsh judgement about this journal
Looking at these examples of the poor standards (both scientific and ethical) of this journal I am not that hopeful that a request to withdraw/retract your paper will be successful. You can of course try. I am afraid you better can see this as a hard lesson and move on and keep trying to publish in the best possible journals.