In Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), after an initial stage of data collection, the next step is related to GIS analysis, and focuses on converting collected vector maps to raster and spatial analysis functions (e.g., map overlay using Boolean functions, distance analysis and reclassification).

The following phase includes calculation of criteria weights using a developed tool adopting AHP principle. Here, the Consistency Ratio is computed in order to verify the consistency of the experts’ judgment.

Finally, the last step covers the integration between criteria weights and maps, producing a map representing land suitability, risk/hazard or best location.

My question focuses in the reclassification of the factors (criteria) maps that are used to produce the final map. In different papers that I read the number of classes varies from 2 to 5. In same cases authors use 9 classes (the same number of the Pairwise Rating Scale proposed by Saaty - ?).

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