The patient can advance through the post-operative rehabilitation period quickly without endangering ligamentous stability by incorporating early knee extension, early weight bearing, and closed kinetic quadriceps strengthening.
No, it is a fairly common practice to use the rubber bands and other strengthening modalities both before and after surgery. There is good evidence that strength training, proprioceptive training and knee flexibility training will assist in the prevention of future ACL injury.
Cunha J, Solomon DJ. ACL Prehabilitation Improves Postoperative Strength and Motion and Return to Sport in Athletes. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2022 Jan 28;4(1):e65-e69. doi: 10.1016/j.asmr.2021.11.001. PMID: 35141537; PMCID: PMC8811524.
It should be taken into account that in this type of injury, surgical criteria should be considered if necessary. If this was the solution, you must first proceed to reduce the inflammatory processes in the treated area; for this, cryotherapy and hydrotherapy are recommended. Afterwards, the degree of mobility of the knee must be seen since it may or may not complete the corresponding joint arches. Isometric contractions are essential to avoid atrophy of the quadricep muscle group. Assisted active exercises if you do not complete 145 degrees of knee flexion, if you do complete the free active exercises for a period of time until a better recovery would be achieved with manual resisted active exercises with minimal resistance, having progression in this At this stage you must proceed to active resisted exercises with increased resistance, either manual or with the use of mechanotherapy, in the latter the sand bags, the quadricep bench are used with the different modalities and methods to be used according to the objective of the exercise. treatment, exercises are used within the therapeutic pool, exercises with bands, etc.