Are you a teacher and did you have to go online because of COVID19? We're looking for your experiences one year after the first lockdown and your ideas about blended learning
Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, we had to start online class. Now we are getting ready to open our university. Hope, very soon we'll start face-to-face classes.
While teaching online for the first time in my life, I found it very interesting but my students dwelling in remote villages faced severe poor internet connection and this is why they often got disconnected, I had to say the same thing again and again. But I was overwhelmed with students' struggle. As I am working at a newly established public university, we have scarcity of skilled teachers. Online education gave us an option and we could invite some teachers from reputed universities to teach some courses.
In short, I must say, my experience of online teaching is quite satisfactory.
From remote teaching to blended learning stage is still not achieved fully by many of us here in Mumbai - India. The classrooms are still not open. But more than a year of online remote teaching has proven one thing that the future of education will be completely different. We need to learn to live with the parallel virtual education system permanently.
I submitted my answers, ang gave my private email - not the one in use at LUT University. I redirected also emails from Elsevier Researchers Academy and other volunteer projects related correspondence of mine. Hope YOU have a Nice DAY and Keep SAFE! Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely LUT University, F|inland
The virus has only accelerated exponential knowledge automation as per learning and teaching automation of facts. Hybrid learning, with group projects, mentoring and social interaction will complete human needs for physical contacts as per 'species appropriateness', due to our nature as culturally gifted beings.
Many regions in the world were never prepared for on-line teaching. COVID came, ironically, as a blessing to disguise. Wether COVID completely disappeares, as all of hope, or if it would prolong its stay, on-line teaching is now a reality & blended learning will be, for all, the most convenient option!
Al parecer el covid llegó para quedarse por mucho tiempo.
En Bolivia, la situación ha sido dramática, porque se ha suspendido las clases escolares desde Agosto a Diciembre, por no tener condiciones para dar educación a distancia y por que gran parte de la población escolar en los pueblos alejados no tiene ni siquiera internet y en la algunos casos electricidad.
Uno puede imaginarse el retraso de un año en la escolaridad. Ahora el blended earning, para mi es Blended learning se ha modificado a clases a distancia combinadas con clases presenciales ( para los que puedan asistir a la presencialidad) y virtuales o a distancia para los que no puedan hacerlo.
Due to Covid 19 we started our online classes. That time i identyfy lots of online provisions and edu apps now i am thinking about blended mode. Face to face classroom and online mode also. I think it will more helpful for the students for deepens their knowledge and also we can include more activities in institution.
We have completed a survey on the preparation of universities for online education prior to the pandemic. The picture was rather sad - almost zero Luckily, the educators were quite flexible and adapt quickly. But (likely due to much stress with the unexpected change) more than one half still believe that online educations a temporary replacement. This opinion even holds among the younger ones (20 - 39 years old). To learn more, send me a message. I will send you our study which now undergoes reviewing.
Dear Jo Tondeur , blended learning is here to stay, however one even more important transition to consider is from remote (emergency) teaching to deep, meaningful blended (or distance) learning so as to improve the quality of education (one of 30 UN's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030). Here are a few practical publications on how this can be achieved on the micro (class/course) and meso (school/instution) level:
Article Deep Meaningful Learning
Article The Patras Blended Strategy Model for Deep and Meaningful Le...
Article Transitioning from Emergency Remote Learning to Deep Online ...
Article Deep and Meaningful E-Learning with Social Virtual Reality E...
Blended learning has gained traction very rapidly. It has always been a part of my teaching tools, whilst devising lessons, since day one as a teacher. Now, we are more dependent on it, and many platforms and ICT tools are frequently becoming available. Moocs and educational platforms require learners and students alike to depend on their own interpretation of content.
Therefore, it is important that content in a blended space should be pedagogically sound, didactically accurate and relevant to contexts and audience.
The campus did a survey of students, faculty, and staff based on the survey results the majority of faculty and staff prefer being online, while the students want to be back on campus. The way the "blended teaching schedule" was proposed was too convoluted to follow. 🙄
To add insult to injury, there have been four COVID cases in the building in which I teach since the term started in August ( one a week) which has made the decision to continue to teach online an easy decision especially since I meet the CDC guidelines for risks!
While it would be good to be back in the on-ground classroom my health is primary!
في ظل جائحه كورنا لابد من التدريس عن بعد رغم ان للامر مساؤ كثيره الان التعليم المدمج حل الكثير المشاكل وتغلب على الكثير من الصعاب رغم ان الموضوع مجهد كثيرا في بلدي
I think that because of the problems of distance learning, what is known as blended or blended education appeared, and this is due to the development of educational technologies and the changes of society
Yes I am a teacher. I experienced more differences from blended learning. More problems were encountered such as, gadgets to use regarding online classes, etc.I also realized that pupils learned better through face to face learning.
For sure, remote learning is a double-edged sword! How we can overcome such difficulty? Possibly, the blended is the better solution during such circumstances!
I gonna say it was pity funny and full of challenges, network connection and most students had no clue for any online classes and how to access it,know that we have emparked to face to face learning, student benefits more
Hello, Nyamao Nyamwange , indeed our experience and research with various distance learning platforms has shown repetedly that is imperative to train all users, teachers and students, effectively, remove all technical obstacles, solve any accessibility problems before the start of the online course so that technology does not get in the way of learning. For more information:
Article The Patras Blended Strategy Model for Deep and Meaningful Le...
We had to start online class suddenly, in April 2020, due to the outbreak of Corona virus. After figuring out the ways to keep teaching, after facing several difficulties and obstacles in the online environment, things seemed to work in a new reality. Though, online learning was not so fruitful, some students kept working well, but those who needed a closer guide and help from teachers, did not do so well. While learning online for the first time in their life, students had to face many challenges: network connection and accessibility problems, training in distance learning platforms, use of gadgets, etc.
Since February 2021, there was a plan of gradual and progressive return to the classrooms. So far, 90% of our students are attending face-to-face classes and students say they learn better this way. Those few students that are still taking online classes have to face the difficulty of HYBRID mode and "share" the same teacher with those that are at school. From the experience I had, I cannot assure that blended learning does not seem to be the best solution, I would rather divide the teaching schedule into face-to-face classes and online classes, each in its particular time/hour.
Смешанное обучение требует сознательный подход с каждого участника учебного процесса. Мы проводили опрос среди студентов несколько вузов Узбекистана о влияние дистанционного образования к исследовательской деятельности студентов - Ответы показали что пока наши молодежи не готовы эффективно усвоить знании дистанционно. Существует много причин которое не связано непосредственно студентом, есть внешние факторы. Не смотря на этого прогресс информатизации и глобализации требует всегда быть готовым и смешанного и дистанционного обучение.