Several studies have analyzed the impact of Urbanization on LST using different Remote Sensing products. Often, the objective is to find how urban land cover /urbanization (through replacement of natural land cover often with asphaltic, concrete, building/roofs, and generally non-evaporative surfaces) which results in elevated temperatures in urban areas relative the rural/non-urban environment, commonly referred to as Urban Heat Island (UHI). Common methodology adopted in such studies is to derive different land cover indices such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Bareness Index (NDBaI), Normalized Difference Build-up Index (NDBI) and Impervious Surface Area (ISA), etc. and regress such indices on LST.

However, soil moisture (not an urban land cover index) appears to influence LST more than anything else. That is why, as Dr. Tenenbuam mentions, ..for a given NDVI, (or indeed any land cover index) there is usually a range of *LST* values (as a function of moisture condition varying at the same NDVI, NDBI, ISA, etc.). Thus, is the LST-NDVI, NDBI, ISA, NDBal etc relationship well modeled as a linear function?

The answer to the rhetorical question is definitely not…. because LST varies even at fixed NDVI, NDBI, NDBal, ISA and other land cover indices-  showing a strong relationship to soil moisture condition. The logic goes like this, as Dr. Tenenbaum goes on to explain that …If NDVI, NDBal, NDBI, ISA, etc, is the same at two pixels, and one is hotter and the other is cooler, the hotter one is likely more dry (because available energy is being partitioned to have a higher amount of sensible heat, which accounts for the higher temperature), whereas the cooler one is likely less dry (because available energy is being partitioned to have a higher amount of latent heat, which accounts for the lower temperature)… I agree with him.

My question is this: How accurate is it therefore to model/explain LST in terms of NDVI, NDBI, ISA, NDBal and related land cover indices which are used as a proxy for urban environment?

What urban land cover indices will best serve as proxy to explain LST, especially when the objective is to explain LST dynamics as a result urbanization processes.

Thanks for your anticipated contributions

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