Svc usually connected at the middle of line. Important parameter to find the optimal location is voltage. You can install the svc in diferent buses and check voltage of other bus every where that the voltage is near to 1pu is the optimal location.
The evaluation of optimal location of SVC may be determined by carrying the voltage stability investigations at each bus in a large complex network with static concept first and followed by dynamic concept. The Bus which is more vulnerable in terms of voltage sensitivities/stability may be first picked up to install SVC of adequate rating and the study has to be repeated to find the each Bus voltage after installing one SVC. If the voltage is maintained within acceptable limit, the performance of the network is acceptable with one SVC, if not then some of the other locations are identified as explained above and some more SVC is added and study is again repeated till all the criterions of acceptable voltage variations are satisfied.
yes sir we are planning to do same as you replied but in interconnected Grid you can't find out the maximum load loading point (weak bus) it can be deviated if we put in generation source in Grid. could you tell me how i can take care of that factor.
Dear Umesh, In an integrated Grid system as of India, the main challenge is to find out the detailed data of dynamical network conditions with changing power injections and also load addition /rejection at many points. Since with SCADA at NLDC/RLDCs, the various nodal voltages may be noticed and a history of change may be recorded and the bus which is experiencing frequent deviations may be treated as affected Bus and the system planning should take a special care while deciding the placement of controllers such as SVC. Before actual installation, the detailed network may be simulated for variety of conditions created offline and compared with some of the real SCADA scenario/study observations and the case most close may be taken as basis for decision.
improving the voltage profile is the ultimate aim of placing the FACTS devices/stabilizers in inter-connected power system. so you should know about the system profile through load flow studies under static & dynamic condition [some critical cases like contingency analysis/power congestion].
For optimal placement of SVC you can use the Continuity power flow and evaluation lambda factor for buses and placment the svc. for this study you can using MATLAB - PSAT software . I can help you [email protected]
Its completely depends on your objective, if you want to improve voltage levels you should conduct an optimization process with this objective. Through load flow study should be conduct for determining best location. But if you want to improve system loading or dynamic performance, conducting optimization is very complex so you should define some alternative locations and conduct a through load flow and dynamic study for determining best location. Off course, financial studies are required in above processes as well.
1 Conduct Load flow (For example refer this paper: Load flow method for radial and weakly-meshed networks: Concept of duality )
2 Then identify the weak nodal voltages
3 Place the SVC on these locations
More details we can work together, to publish papers:
For your Problem kindly refer Our Article on Optimal Location of Capacitor,Which can be applied to any Facts Device. The said paper had been already put on Research Gate.
Paper ID:
14266 -JATIT
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology pp 28-34 Vol 30. No. 1 -- 2011
All Answers make good sense as Historical SCADA- Bus Data and Voltage Regulation Profiles are good indicators of WEAK Points in the System(usually Weak AC System.
Load Flow Studie are very useful under different Grid Configurations and Loading Conditions.
New Dynamic/Transient/Voltage Stability Assessment Tools with Voltage Collapse Indicators can narrow the search for Weak Voltage Locations in the interconnected network!
But we still hopeful for a New Breakthrough Research to develop a Dynamic Voltage Collapse Indicator/Metric Tool (DVCM) to be developed using new RANDOM SEARCH SC_AI BASED TECHNIQUES such as PSO/GA/HS/AS/...
1 Conduct Load flow (For example refer this paper: Load flow method for radial and weakly-meshed networks: Concept of duality )
New step:add the measured data, which leads know the state of the system (state estimation, which also help to remove data also.
2 Then identify the weak nodal voltages
3 Place the DVR on these locations
More details we can work together, to publish papers:
For optimal location you can refer continual power flow or optimal power flow. You identify the weaker area of the system by Eigen Value Approach (Modal Analysis).
If the SVC is meant for voltage support only, then power flow studies under credible contingencies and load scenarios would be sufficient. The candidate busses for installing an SVC should be the busses in the vicinity of the voltage problem. If the SVC is also expected to provide damping to any oscillation modes, then the location where the mode in question could be observed and controlled should be chosen. Typically the primary criterion is the voltage support (note that, voltage support also increases the power transfer capability).
I happy to hear the answer i.e.voltage support also increases the power transfer capability, which also reduce the heat losses due to I2Rt and improve the power factor and finally can reduce penalty from the board.
A mixed approach (load flow - combinatory optimization technique,COT ). Its very important decide which is the main purpose of the SVC instalation. Tipically the COT more used in the last years are: genetics algorithms and PSO.
Combo approach (load flow - combinatory optimization technique,COT ). Its very important decide which is the main purpose of the SVC instalation. I agree with Jose Vivas. But first LOAD FLOW UNDERSTANDING IS VERY IMPORTANT. BECAUSE AT THE LOAD FLOW RESULTS SUCH AS: LINE LOSS, NODAL VOLATGE, VOLTAGE DROP, POWER ALLOCATION AT SLACK BUS, LEVEL OF OPERATOR WE CAN TRAIN. This will have direct on the system. Later, we can do optimization etc.
As pointed out by Annakage "voltage support also increases the power transfer capability".
But, Voltage Collapse or Voltage Zero is a serious problem affecting the Power System under sudden Heavy Overloading or Fault that leads to serious Power Oscillation and has to be treated differently. Voltage support may not work. Only Proper Protection Schemes against Power Swings have to be applied. This applies to Transmission Lines.
Voltage support is typically done by controlling the reactive power injected/absorbed by the device in order to maintain the voltage of the bus at a desired level (with a suitable droop). An additional controller may be added to modulate the voltage reference. By proper design of this additional controller, one could introduce damping to power oscillations. Of course, this could be achieved only if the oscillation mode is observable and controllable with respect to the location of the device.
To find out the optimal location for SVC you can go for modal analysis (Eigen Value Approach) and contingency analysis in order to check the voltage stability of the system, for using Modal approach u can easily identify the weaker buses especially in terms of the voltage, Or else after drawing the S L D you can also go for the arbitrary approach for the optimal location. Also can use PSO technique.