Dear Friends,

Only fake scientists feel offended, when a myth or baseless belief is questioned or challenged. Many researchers forgot, why any scientific or technological discipline end up in a crisis and what is a scientific revolution.

Any scientific discipline ends up in a crisis (by creating a paradox), when its pre-paradigmatic foundation comprises of flawed beliefs or myths. Any research efforts would be diverted into a wrong path, if the research efforts rely on flawed foundational or core principles (e.g. the Earth is at the centre). Any scientific or technological discipline having flawed core first principles in the theoretical foundation ends up in a crisis.

It results in a scientific revolution, when the research efforts are put on the right track by exposing the flawed beliefs (i.e. by finding accurate first principles and replacing the flawed first principles by the accurate first principles). When scientific research efforts are put on the right tracks (by replacing the flawed first principles by the accurate first principles), it solves the scientific crisis (hence it is a revolution).

Attached PDF explains the difference between a flawed dominant belief and flawed dominant paradigm. A dominant paradigm for scientific and technological discipline imply a huge BoK (Body of Knowledge) acquired and accumulated by theoretical research and countless practitioners rely on the BoK for practising their craft every day.

1. Subverting a dominant paradigm (of a scientific or technological discipline) is a quintessential example and very definition for a revolution, and

2. Any dominant paradigm can be and must be subverted, if its pre-paradigmatic foundation comprises of unproven core first principles that are flawed (e.g. by exposing such core first principles, which are flawed).

For example, perhaps astronomy is the largest scientific and technological discipline in 16th century, where the BoK for geocentric paradox had been acquired and accumulated for 1800 years by researchers, and thousands of astronomers relied on the BoK for practising their craft (e.g. for tracking time or seasons for farmers, Calendrical system, navigation and various applications for medieval astrology etc.).

Incidentally, today computer science or software engineering is the largest engineering paradigm, which has acquired and accumulated huge BoK and have more practitioners of the craft (i.e. software engineers) than any other engineering discipline. Today, software engineering is in crisis due to flawed beliefs about so called components and CBD/CBE (Component Based Design and Engineering) in the foundation.

Best Regards,

Raju Chiluvuri

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