i have present a research paper in a conference , this conference has no published journal ( just abook with abstracts about each paper) i wonder is it ethical to publish that paper at international journal ?
You probably have to rewrite your paper. You add a note to the article that it is based on a unpublished conference paper, indicating details of the conference. If you are transparent, there surely is no ethical problem.
You probably have to rewrite your paper. You add a note to the article that it is based on a unpublished conference paper, indicating details of the conference. If you are transparent, there surely is no ethical problem.
It seems that everyone all over the world is too concern with productivity, rankings and the advance of their individual carreer. Indeed that's the new hegemonic thinking on what it means to be an scholar nowadays.
My humble advice is first: by selfconscius with regard to your paper's subjectmatter and your on location, about the place from where you are writing. There is a political economy of knowledge defining who can write, where and on what topics.
Once you manage to brake the productivity/ranking spell think first how your results, not your paper, your results may help communities, people policy making because to be relevant is to put knowledge at the service of the people. of course, publishing serves peopple, yeah, just you. try to be relevant.
and if, in the end, yours is one of those knowleges that have no practical implications, well at least try to make it visible among your nearby colleages. set a nice seminar with people who thinks otherwaise etc and then ok, got your paper into print. Which Journal, well that where people with similar questions/problems are trying to find an audience a real audience.... forget about impact factor... it is just a factor of global dominance, help us to brake the audit culture
How to choose journals for submitting your paper ? - ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_to_choose_journals_for_submitting_your_paper#view=56c1f91b60614b45268b45c2 [accessed Feb 15, 2016].
Yes you can use the subject matter of your conference paper in a journal paper...but the journal paper cannot be identical to the conference paper. Usually a journal paper will be 6-8,000 words (in my field) so the journal paper will go into much more detail than the conference paper, sometimes have additional methods of analysis, expanded findings, etc.
Yes, it is, not all journals will accept it but I have seen a lot that authorize this practice. You can insert a footnote saying that you presented it at a conference or that you received a grant for it, etc. If this is not explicitly written on the website of the journal, contact the editors and ask them. Details about possible formats vary from journal to journal, so there are no fixed limits apriori, you just have to find the right journal.