There are many ways of testing the knowledge of the students and awarding degrees. While most of the Universities follow a standard Question Pattern (Part-A, Part-B etc) with closed-books and closed-notes, some Universities allow different types of exams like "Open-Book, Open-Notes" exam and "Take-Home" exam etc. In the Open-Book exam, students need not bother to memorize any formula. There will be many questions in the paper, and within the specified time, they should write answers by freely consulting books / notes as they wish. Another interesting option is the "Take-Home" Exam (Final or Mid-term), where the instructors just hand the students a question paper, and they are free to take it to library or home, carefully study the problems, and answer them slowly. Problems will be usually challenging, which require a lot of thinking, but students can think them over and answer slowly. Students are supposed to be ethical in answering take-home exams, and not to consult friends or senior students. I have given an outline! What is your view on these exams? Do they improve the "Teaching-Learning" process? Thanks!