In contrast to most other fields, CS uses conference proceedings as the main outlet of its research results. This leads to a huge competitiveness in conference acceptance (10-15% are quite common for top conferences) and long papers (say 12 or even 14 pages double-column). And because the papers are already seen as a final product, the incentive to write a journal version seems to be low, especially when other researchers go on citing the conference version anyway.

I find that this special position has some negative impact on CS:

- there is only a single round of reviews, leaving little room to improve the paper (shepherding is not fixing this problem)

- good papers get rejected at good conferences (not a "hot topic," reviewer randomness)

- papers must be "perfect" at time of submission, large but fixable problems lead to rejection

- no consistent reviews, if you fix all problems a new set of reviewers will have different problems (or even want you to revert to its previous state), wasting your time and the reviewers'

- the evaluation of research quality across fields is skewed because the widely used impact factor is bad for CS and good for everyone else

- the editing of papers is done by the authors themselves in a short timeframe, resulting in a poor style and print quality

A good point:

- the time-to-print of journals is high (1-2 years), conferences have fixed deadlines and only about 6 months (and you can also tell that something is happening)

So what is your opinion on this? Should we change to the classical model of journals (maybe with faster journals), try to improve the proceedings, or switch to something else entirely?

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